1. Project scope
    This project aims at developing theoretical and applied results in the fields of Control Theory and Identification. More generally, the project develops and coordinates research in this domain in applied mathematics and in engineering sciences. Indeed it combines the research activities of researchers from Applied Math and from Systems Theory and Automatic Control departments. The project contributes towards the organization of the French, Brazilian and Chilean mathematical and control theory community and to its integration within the international community.

  2. Abstract
    In this project the focus will be in both control and identification problems.

    Concerning control theory, we plan to work in two main research lines: controllability of coupled systems of partial differential equations (PDE) and stability of networked control systems under concurrent communication constraints. The interest in the study of control properties of coupled systems is rather recent but very active. There are a number of control results for single PDE but new phenomena appear when dealing with coupled systems. We intend to address this issue for both dispersive and hyperbolic coupled systems. On the other hand, for control systems where communication takes place over non-transparent communication links (networked control systems) we aim at addressing optimal control problems subject to concurrent communication constraints that include delays and/or are subject to asynchronous sampling.

    Regarding identification problems, we address the recovering of heterogeneous medium properties (for instance conductivity, elasticity, charge density or transmission velocity) by means of indirect measurements. We look for stability properties and reconstruction algorithms. Very useful tools are the Carleman estimates, which in fact are useful as well to deal with control properties of PDE. In this proposal we plan to develop new Carleman estimates at both the continuous level (including limiting Carleman weights) and the discrete one in order to address some identification problems.

  3. Project Goals
    Besides the main goal of creating/consolidating scientific connections within South America and with France, we have the following scientific goals:

    Study of the control properties of some coupled systems describing the evolution of plates (Mindlin-Timoshenko systems), the interactions between short-wave and long-wave (Schrodinger-KdV systems), and the propagation of surface and internal waves (Boussinesq systems).

    Characterization, for control systems where communication takes place over non- transparent communication links, of the interplay between optimal performance and concurrent communication constraints that includes delays.

    Study of the problem of identification of medium properties by using external measurements in the framework of electro-seismic prospection, semiconductor material and transmission phenomena for beams or plates.